Saturday, February 22, 2014

Registry First Aid Platinum 9.3.0 Build 2207 Full Serial Key free download

Registry First Aid Platinum 9.3.0 dapat membersihkan, menjaga dan memperbaiki error atau kerusakan yang terjadi di dalam registry komputer anda dengan sangat efektif. Program ini menawarkan cara terbaik bagi pengguna dalam menangani masalah yang sering terjadi di dalam registry komputer secara mudah dan juga aman, jika komputer anda mulai terasa lambat, sering crash atau mungkin layar desktop anda mulai sering menampilkan pesan error maka kemungkinan terbesarnya adalah telah terjadi kerusakan di dalam sistem registry komputer anda. Yah,, namun anda tidak perlu merasa khawatir lagi, karena anda dapat memanfaatkan software Registry First Aid untuk mengatasi semua masalah tersebut.


What's new in version 9.3.0 Build 2207 ?
  • improvements in checking scanned registry keys for exclusions;
  • smart "Add Excluded Registry Key" dialog: detect root key and cut it from path, replace with it any root key chosen from the dialog;
  • count scanned keys/dirs and show the number on the status bar - it helps to see if the program still working while the progress bar is not moving;
  • verify modified registry keys and detect those that were not corrected, option to save them in a text file;
  • Restore From .Reg Backup Files: expand contents of .reg files to second level;
  • Restore From .Reg Backup Files: now it is possible to switch view between "plain" and "full" tree view;
  • Restore From .Reg Backup Files: show selected key path in status bar;
  • Restore From .Reg Backup Files: new pop-up menu commands: "View as full tree"; "Copy key path to clipboard";
  • bug: incorrect string length was shown in entries with invalid data size;
  • bug: it was possible to make the filter dialog completely invisible using transparent value options;
  • bug: it was possible to ocassionally hide the "backup" panel by moving the splitter to the bottom;
  • bug: the "results" panel may be hidden if the "backup" panel is at max height and the program window is resized to min; 



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